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Reflex arena local coop

reflex arena local coop

We then looked for the motivation that changed the least with age. Strategy is the Most Age-Stable Motivation So age in fact explains a bigger portion of the variance in Competition than gender does. The biggest gap between men and women (among younger gamers) is smaller than the difference between the youngest and oldest men in our data. There’s another interesting take-away here. The gender difference in Competition is large at first among younger gamers, but then disappears with age. Thus, by the time we’re past 45, the difference between men and women largely disappears. As gamers get older, the appeal of Competition declines, but this happens more rapidly for men than for women. In our framework, Competition is the appeal of competing with other players in duels, matches, or team-vs-team scenarios. Competition is More of a Youth Motivation than a Male MotivationĪmong the 12 motivations we measure in our model, the interest in Competition changes the most with age. Want to see how you compare with other gamers? Take a 5-minute survey and get your own Gamer Motivation Profile. The data we’ve collected from over 140,000 gamers via the Gamer Motivation Profile allows us to see how gaming motivations vary by age. And yet, even though the 35+ gamer crowd is clearly growing bigger each year, it’s much less common to see discussions about how gamers change as they grow older. In both the gamer and game research communities, we talk a lot about how men and women like different kinds of games or what games for women ought to look like. There’s a generation of people who grew up with gaming and they have no plans to ever stop gaming. And that average will keep rising as the first gamer generation gets older.

reflex arena local coop reflex arena local coop

According to the ESA, the average gamer is now 35 years old. And so are many other gamers who, like me, grew up with video games and have no plans to ever stop gaming. I remember looking at the age distribution of those online gamers where about 20-30% were over the age of 30 (and a fair number above 40), and thinking to myself, wow those gamers are old. When I first started running large online surveys of gamers in the days of EverQuest, I was a 20-year-old undergrad psych major.

Reflex arena local coop